Create The Perfect Marketing Campaign Template With 6 Easy Steps (+ Free Templates)
- What a marketing campaign is
- How to nail your marketing campaign planning
- What to include in your marketing campaign template
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- It helps you break down which tasks you need to do (and when)
- It helps you stay within budget
- It helps you keep track of key details you might otherwise forget
- It helps you increase your efficiency and work smarter
1. Determine What You're Promoting
Every marketing campaign promotes something. It could be:- A message
- A new service, product, or feature
- A piece of content (a blog post, video, webinar)
- An event (either virtual or in-person)
- A person
- A sale
2. Develop A Campaign Theme Or Concept
Your campaign theme or concept is the thing that ties all the marketing activities in your campaign together. It's what David Ogilvy called having "big ideas."![](
- Identify what your campaign will promote.
- Consider your audience's interests and pain points.
- Find overlap between what you are promoting and your audience's interests and pain points.
3. Establish Marketing Channels
Your marketing channels are the mediums you will use throughout your marketing campaign. Think social media, email marketing, content marketing, events, webinars, mail marketing, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine what marketing channels to use:- What channels do we traditionally do well?
- Are there time and resource constraints that limit the channels we can use?
- Which channels have larger audiences?
- Which channels fit with our campaign theme or concept? Which don't?
4. Set Campaign Goals
Your campaign goals are what you want to achieve by the end of the campaign. It's wise to set one overarching goal, like "increase the number of leads testing our tool with a free trial," and several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics that help track your progress towards that goal. For example, you could track click-throughs from content promoting the free trial, free trial sign-ups, and your free-trial-user-to-customer conversion rate.![](
5. Plan What You'll Need To Create For Each Channel
You already know which channels you're using, what you're promoting, and what you are aiming for. Now, it's time to tie these ideas together and plan how much content you'll need to create for each channel. For example, you might identify that you need the following things for a one-month campaign:- Twitter — five text-only tweets
- Facebook — three Facebook ads, two long-form text posts, and four video posts
- Instagram — ten story posts and two grid posts
- Website — three blog posts and one landing page
6. Map Out the Execution Of Your Campaign On A Marketing Calendar
A marketing calendar is exactly what it sounds like: a handy digital calendar that helps you map out your campaign daily. CoSchedule's Marketing Calendar can help you to:- Set deadlines
- Assign tasks to each team member
- Break big tasks into smaller ones
- Log the status of each task
Marketing Campaign Idea
Your marketing campaign idea is a short description (usually only a few sentences or a paragraph long) that summarizes your campaign. It's similar to an elevator pitch but for your campaign rather than your product. Your idea needs to include who you're targeting, what you're promoting, why your campaign will help this audience, and your goals. For example, CoSchedule's Marketing Strategy Certification Course project description reads: "Whether you’re a new marketer or a seasoned pro, this course will give you the knowledge & tools you need to create and execute a marketing strategy that drives proven results."![](
Campaign Audience
Your campaign audience is the group of leads and customers you intend to reach. It's not practical to categorize this audience with terms like "the general public" or "product users." Instead, you'll want to get specific about characteristics like:- Gender and sex
- Age and generation
- Knowledge and education level
- Location
- Pain points
- Motivations
- Language and ethnicity
Resources & Budget
Your campaign budget and the resources available to you influence the scope of your campaign heavily — if paid social media ads are out of budget, you won't be able to invest in them, will you? You'll need to define what's available to you in your template. Think of things like:- People. What expertise does your team have?
- Tools. What kinds of software and hardware do you have access to?
- Time. How long can you spend on this campaign? How many hours can you spend each week?
- Budget. How much can you afford to invest in ads, hiring freelancers, getting access to software, etc.?
Goals & Measurements
Your goal is where you want to be, and your measurements help you track how you're doing in getting there. Goals can be pretty general ("the goal of our campaign is to influence…"), but measurements are best defined with KPIs or SMART — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Bound — objectives. For example: "by (date), we will reach (metric) from (platform)." Here are a few questions you should also answer in this section:- What results will this campaign produce?
- How will you measure success?
- How will you measure failure?
Talking Points
Your talking points are key things that your content will cover. Talking points answer the questions "why will your audience care?" and "what's in it for them?" Think use cases, statistics, case studies, product features, etc. And think creatively — try brainstorming as a team to flesh out your ideas!![](
Channel Selection
Your channel selection is the marketing channels you will use to reach your audience. Here's a list of potential channels you can draw from:- YouTube
- Snapchat
- TikTok
- Twitch
- Website
- Email marketing
- Mail marketing
- Billboards
- Posters
- TV ads
- Paid-Per-Click (PPC) ads
- Newspaper ads
- Earned media